Research and Development
pielleitalia is an innovative company that has always been actively involved in high-tech and innovative textiles

PATENT N. IT102022000000095 registered on 14/01/2024
patent for industrial invention of Manufacturing process and material for additive manufacturing
A process that transforms used plastic bottles into new apparel
pielleitalia started as a partner during the Solarimpulse project and in November 2020 our “RE-PET INTO APPAREL" solution became one of the #1000solutions by Solar Impulse Foundation

PATENT N. 0001407394 registered on 04/04/2011
patent for industrial invention of Composite material comprising a layer of polymeric piezoelectric material matched with a textile substrate and method for making such a composite material
other significant projects:
1. Indesproject
a project by the Lombardia Region, of which pielleitalia was the head of project
FP7-SME-2010-1 European project, of which pielleitalia was the project promoter
press releaseproject by the Ministry of Environment which deals with carbon footprint analysis related to life cycle of consumer goods
a project by Unioncamere Lombardia and Lombardia Region, Circularity for Health, blends the concepts of Recycling, Industry 4.0 & Health.
It focuses on post consumer textile recycling and its adaptation to the additive manufacturing technology with the aim to turn textile again into plastic, creating a brand new product by also acquiring an antibacterial functionality

sister company
pielleswiss is innovation
pielleswiss is the sister company based in Neuchâtel that promotes and develops circular business models and solutions, aimed at employing innovative technologies to transform end-of-life materials into new resources